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The Truth About My Real Dad

So I've been sitting here, after a long week. And you know its crazy and messed up how someone can Take and read YOUR DIARY and use it AGAINST YOU and your FAMILY. Its messed up how my real dad kris and his wife Sam used my mental heath to try and hurt my family especially my mom. My MOM has ALWAYS been there for me, yes we don't always get along but she's my mother and i love her. My DIARY was filled with dreams, lyrics, poems, and songs that I've written. And yes sometimes when i got upset with my mom i wrote things about her in the diary that WERE NOT true, because i was angry. BUT everything i wrote about my mom was BEFORE she got me help. It started in September, so its almost been a year. I was a very angry person but i also couldn't help it cause my mental health. My dad has NEVER BEEN THERE FOR ME OR MY SISTERS. YET he comes around once in a blue moon, and then tries to hurt my family. BUT mainly his WIFE SAM, SHE SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF Me. Three years ago i remember when we first met her and we went to the beach with her and my real dad. SHE threatened to kill my mom right in front of me. THIS time i only went there because of the abense i felt and wanting to know just my DAD. When i was there, they allowed kids to smoke, and do whatever they wanted. They never paid attention to the babies. They let an adult wave A GUN in a car full of kids. I was there and I was SCARED. When i asked to have MY DIARY back, THEY said they were gonna use it AGAINST MY MOM. BUT HOW CAN YOU USE SOMETHING THAT IS PERSONAL AND HAPPENED A LONG TIME BEFROE YOU CAME BACK INTO MY LIFE, AND USE IT AGAINST ME? These were MY personal lyrics, poems, and DREAMS. I shared that diary with my therapist and my mom bought me that dairy along with many others. TO allows me to write anything I'm feeling. TO help with my mental health. And to help me get better. I have some bad dreams and i wrote them in that DIARY so that i can understand them better. And talk to my therapist about it. IM gonna be honest for a second, I had a dream that i wrote in MY DAIRY, and THEY were trying to TELL ME that it happened to ME. FIRST OFF IT WAS A BAD DREAM. BUT They wanted ME to lie and tell people that IT HAPPENED TO ME AND IT DIDNT.


First off i am so tired of you LETTING SAM boss me around and threaten MY MOM. Im TIRED of you letting your wives and girlfriends hurt my life. A LIFE YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN A PART OF. YOU HAVE BEEN ABSENT FOR SO MANY YREARS, BY YOUR CHOICE. you come back for a few days and look what you have allowed to happen. you said YOU WANTED to be there for ME AND MY SISTERS. BUT all you have done is HURT us MORE AND MORE each time you come into our lives. IF thats what your about then i dont want to know you anymore. NOT that i really knew you to begin with. YOU blamed my MOM for YOU NOT being in my life. MAYBE sometimes that may be true because she tried to protect us. From situations where you allowed US to BE HURT. But what i believe to be the truth is you cared MORE about YOUR OWN happiness, then you EVER DID OURS. I DONT really know SAM. AND I DONT WANT TO. YOU HAVE BEEN with about ten girls and cared more about what they wanted THEN ME. AND TO be honest I DONT WANT TO KNOW YOU. I THOUGHT i did but after seeing who YOU REALLY ARE. AFTER the hurt you've caused for so many people including ME. You NEVER CARED about US. AND i had to lean the hard way. It hurts but at least i don't have to be hurt by you ANYMORE. I DO NOT WANT TO AND WILL NOT LIVE WITH YOU. I WANT TO STAY WITH MY MOM. I DONT WANT TO VISIST WITH YOU UNTIL YOU STOP LETTING PORPLE CONTROL YOU AND HURT US. UNLESS YOU CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE AND PROVE YOU REALLY LOVE US, THEN I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE.

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